I apologise for this cross-posting, but I think its relevant to
all the groups. Please respond to 103322.523 at compuserve.com.
I'm writing a story on the internet's negative impact on science
experiments. We all know how it has made information transfer
easier. But what about over-dependence on this information?
Has reliance on the net in some way torpedoed an experiment or
interfered with your science. A hypothetical example -- a
biochemist downloads the coordinates for the crystal structure of a
protein, then does a series of modeling experiments assuming that
these are correct. He or she later realizes that someone posted
incorrect coordinates, and the experiments are nil and void. You
can imagine many such examples. If you've had any such unfortunate
experience, I'd love to hear from you. If you'd prefer to be
anonymous, that's fine (I understand). If you have any other ideas
or insights as to how the internet could have a detrimental effect
on science, please let me know.
About me: I am a contributing writer to Nature Biotechnology, and
I've written for numerous other magazines. I also have a master's
degree in organic chemistry from Indiana University.
Jim Kling
Science Communications
El Paso, TX