PhD studentship

Dr. Colin R.A. Hewitt crah1 at leicester.ac.uk
Thu Jul 4 09:55:56 EST 1996

I have a PhD studentship available on the Immunogenicity of House Dust Mites at the University of Leicester's Centre for 
Mechanisms of Human Toxicity.

The project involves two main subject areas: 1. Characterisation of the non-antigenic properties of mites and their faeces that 
affect access of mite antigens to the immune system and 2. How these molecules may modulate the immune system once they gain 
access to it and promote an allergic response. The project is designed to incorporate cellular immunology, protein biochemistry 
and molecular biology in an investigation of clinical importance.
The laboratory at the Centre for Mechanisms of Human Toxicity has been open for 3yrs, is well funded and fully equipped. The 
group's work focuses largely on the mechanisms of allergy to house dust mites in humans, but we are also involved in projects 
investigating the allergenicity of parasites, haptenic and non-human protein drugs. The lab is relaxed and friendly, and is currently 
staffed by 6 workers.  

Anybody interested in this exiting topical area of research should contact me as soon as possible at the address below. Applications 
will be accepted (by fax or mail) in the form of a CV with the names & addresses of two referees. Unfortunately, the studentship 
rules restrict applicants to EC citizens only.
Dr. Colin R.A. Hewitt,
Immunotoxicology Laboratory,
Centre for Mechanisms of Human Toxicity,
PO Box 138,
Hodgkin Building,
University of Leicester,

+44 (0)116 2525587 Phone
+44 (0)116 2525616 Fax
crah1 at leicester.ac.uk

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