JOHN BARRAS jinty at msn.com
Mon Jul 8 23:30:07 EST 1996


Has your child suffered a bad reaction to childhood vaccinations?
Is your child under 12 years of age?
Please e mail me with details jinty at msn.com
My child had such bad reactions to a DPT vaccination that he is 
unable to do anything for himself and will remain so for life.
The Department of Health and Drug Companies have tried to minimise 
the number of adverse reactions in recent years.
I would like to know which dose and vaccination your child reacted 
to, ( with Batch Numbers if possible ) what age they were at the 
time, and how they are now.
The subject of Vaccine Damage and Compensation is currently being 
looked at by British Parliament and I am trying to put together up to 
date information to send to my Member of Parliament.
The United States of America has a compensation programme which takes 
into account the individual needs of each child and pays a sufficient 
sum to meet the child's needs for life. Information given to the UK 
Parliament only shows a small percentage of  vaccine damage awards 
and payments made.
I would appreciate any information anyone can give me about Whole 
Cell Pertussis Vaccine, DPT vaccines, especially those available in 
the UK and details of any compensation paid anywhere.
My doctor did not even submit a ` Yellow Card `  to the Committee of 
Safety of Medicine detailing my son's adverse reaction, even though 
he spent almost one month in hospital following the severe epileptic 
seizures which started within hours of his vaccination and still 
continue at between ten and two hundred and forty each day.
If I can be of any help to anyone else I will e mail any information 

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