
Andrew Fell andrewF at qimr.edu.au
Sat Jul 13 21:43:22 EST 1996

Brian Freeman (Brian_Freeman at brown.edu) wrote:
: Hello,

: I am looking for help in isolating Neutrophils from rat/mouse serum in
: sufficient quantity.

There is a product called Polymorphprep available.  It is made by Nycomed
Pharma AS.  They are Norwegian but there is probably a US supplier.  It is 
a sort of high density Ficoll paque: you spin blood over it, like a Ficoll
separation, but you get two interfaces instead of one, and the lower one 
contains the neutrophils.  I have used it for separating human neutrophils
and it works very well.  The original reference is Ferrante & Thong, 1980,
J. Immunol. Methods vol. 36, p. 109.

: Please post or email freemb01 at popmail.med.nyu.edu.

: Thank you!

: Brian Freeman
: NYU Medical Cente

Andrew Fell

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