The Research Assistant Question

TuFE tufe at aol.com
Sun Jul 14 03:03:45 EST 1996

I am a research assistant at a major medical university and I would like
to know what other research assistants across the country are responsible
for in their labs.

I do a lot for my lab.  Typical experiments, cell culture, etc.  The usual
things.  Then there's the complete organizational structure of the lab.  I
am split between two doctors and I do everything I can for both, but I can
barely pay my rent with what they're paying me.  

Don't get me wrong.  I love my job.  But sometimes, I feel like I'm being
taken advantage of.

It makes me want to go to Med School.  Am I just crazy?

There's another Assistant in the lab who does nothing but play Solitaire
on the computer and read magazines all day and it really frustrates me to
see the other one sit on his fat butt all day when I'm busting mine.  He
doesn't work for my bosses, and I know he gets paid more than I do.

Just want to know.

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