Viral IL-10 vs. cellular IL-10

ResearchD researchd at aol.com
Sun Jul 14 10:11:36 EST 1996

suggest seeing the new Pharmingen catalog pages 315-316. phone
1-800-848-6227, or web: http://www.pharmingen.com

Rat anti-human IL-10 clones JES3-9D7 and JES3-12G8 (react with both human
and viral IL-10), Clone JES3-6B11 specific for viral IL-10.

ref: J. Exp. Med. 177:295-304     Not aware of other species testing.
ref:      Immunol. Rev. 127:5-24

For other polyclonal antibodies for IL10, and recombiant IL-10 see our web
site at:

Hope this will be of help!
Bret G Wien
Research Diagnostics Inc

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