I am trying to obtain whatever information that might be out there regarding chronic hives.
My daughter has been dealing with this condition since the last 10 years and I am at wits end as to how
to have this treated. She started to get these hives when she was 13 years old and she is now
almost 23 and the hives are just as severe as they were then. When she gets a breakout, it will
last 2 to 3 days and not only is she covered with these welts, but her muscles ache, she becomes very tired and off course
the itch is unbearable. Every part of her body, from head to toe swells
and itches. Physicians have prescirbed antihistimes and specialists such as dermatoligists and
one immunologist have no answers. I was told that there could be something going on
with her immune system and another theory is that something could have triggered these when she
was beginning adolescence - maybe hormonal. To say that this condition has disrupted her life
is an understatement. It prevented her from graduating from high school when she was 18 because of all
the time lost from school and now it could affect her university education which she plans to persue
this fall.
If anyone can help us, I would appreciate hearing from you. I would also like to hear from
anyone who had or is experiencing this plague. Please e-mail to
nstn2226 at fox.nstn.ca