Thyroid (TSH) level question

ProfSally profsally at aol.com
Mon Jul 15 22:15:44 EST 1996

Hi, I hope than an RN or MD can respond to this question.  My thyroid
blood test results (TSH) were 3.4 one month and 2.2 the next.  I was told
that 0.4-5.5 is normal, yet the MERCK manual says 0.5-3.5 is normal.  So,
I have two questions. One, what IS a normal TSH level (I'm a 34 year old
female)?  Two, is it common for TSH levels to change this much from month
to month?  What accounts for this rapid change?  Thanks in advance for any
help, Sally.

%             Prof. Sally Glover                %
%      Mathematics, Clark College        %
%     Vancouver, Washington State      %
%            ProfSally at aol.com              %

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