Gregory R. Harriman (gregoryh at wrote:
: In article <31CDD19E.5C62 at>, Pete <jpete at> wrote:
: > Does anyone have any information on allergies to sperm? My wife once saw
: > a show about it on "Donahue" of all places. Is she crazy or does this
: > actually exist? Please let me know where I can get more info.
: >
: > Thanks!
: Although rare, it does exist. A recent case report in in the June
: 1996 issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
A colleague of mine had a xerox of a letter to The Lancet pinned to his wall.
It discussed a clinical history of a patient (who ISTR was also the author) who
had developed an allergy to her husbands seminal plasma. The letter contained
the wonderful line "Prick tests proved negative..."
Dr Ken Baker Internet:mbkxb at
Department of Avian Immunology BritishTelecomnet:(44) 1635 578411
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