A postdoctoral position is immediately available in the Department of
Cell Biology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Areas of
investigation include the netrin signalling pathway, neuronal
morphogenesis and axon guidance, and tumor progression (Neuron (1995)
15: 273-286). Both Drosophila genetics and biochemical assays in
vertebrates will be used to study gene function. Qualified candidates
should possess either an M.D. or Ph.D., have no more than two years
postgraduate experience, and have a strong graduate training in
genetics, biochemistry, or molecular biology. Please send your c.v. and
three letters of reference to: Dr. Peter Kolodziej, 802 Light Hall,
Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Nashville, TN 37232-0295.
T:615/343-7298. F.615/343-4726.
E-mail: peter.kolodziej at mcmail.vanderbilt.edu EOE.
The attached image shows the expression of frazzled (red), a likely
netrin receptor, on CNS axons (green), and the phenotype of a frazzled
null on CNS axons.
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