In article <4s50ag$j27 at>, researchd at says...
>>I do not know of a non-commerical site (certain newer cytokines can
>sometimes be obtained by writing to the research director of the
>developing firm as Genetics Institute etc). Antibodies sometimes available
>to qualifying researchers from the ATCC. (sorry do not know their web
>Bret G Wien
>Research Diagnostics Inc
>EMAIL:ResearchD at
I used to work for a company called Therapeutic Antibodies LTD.
They produce a variety of anti-cytokine Ab (though not monoclonal) in thier
work to use them as therapy for septic shock.
The might send you small quantaties for evaluation
Phone Dr. Damon Smith (get number from Directory Enq, as i've forgotten it)
Therapeutic Ab LTD.
Ground Floor Science Block
St Bartholomews Medical School
EC1 6BQ (i think)