From: SMTP%"wjst at" 19-JUL-1996 10:09:26.17
Subj: re: Asma-L : Dust mite allergen: particle size?
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 96 10:17:50 +6000
Message-ID: <vines.h+Y7++9pvlA at>
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
To: <SESTINI at>
From: "Matthias Wjst" <wjst at>
Subject: re: Asma-L : Dust mite allergen: particle size?
X-Incognito-SN: 310
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:Forwarded by Michel Godard(TCP/IP) Friday July 19, 1996 06:38 +0200
:From SESTINI at SMTP%"aky04 at" 11-JUL-1996 22:00:46.96
::does anybody know something about the size range of dust-mite faeces?
:I did a literature research of the last 5 years, but I just found one
:japanese paper dealing with this topic. I posted this message last week,
:but I think it wasn`t successful.
::Please post Your answer - perhaps there is anyone else who want`s to know
:that - and please mail me, `cause I=B4ve not the possibility to =19surf?
:every day. What a pitty :(
There was a paper of Barbara Hart "The biology of allergenic domestic mites"
(Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology 1995; 13:115-133) which gives
a lot of details on the anatomy and physiology of dust mites. I think that
your question is difficult to answer because of the large variation of
osmoregulation in domestic mites.
Matthias Wjst
Asthma Information Center <>