Sexual Orientation, Gender Orientation: Hypothesis

Teresa Binstock binstoct at essex.UCHSC.edu
Sun Jul 21 10:28:22 EST 1996

On Sat, 20 Jul 1996, kenneth paul collins wrote:
> Just wondering... why is this msg threaded as it is? ken collins

Each of the newsgroups defines a general ballpark of interest within 
which my hypothesis has components -- eg, immunology, neuronatomy, 
psychology, human behavior. 
	A cross-posting technique was used because 
several years ago, I posted to newsgroups separately and people wrote me 
requesting that I use cross posting so that the same message would 
appear in a given person's mailbox over and over. 
	Furthermore and for instance, some persons are probably 
interested in neuroanatomy and will seldom look in bionet.immunology; 
some persons interested in immunology will hardly ever browse in 
bionet.neuroscience. My hypothesis is rooted in both immunology and 
neuroanatomy and psychology, thus the cross-postings.
	I do not expect all persons on all lists to be interested in the 
subject of my hypothesis. However, I do anticipate that at least some 
persons in each list may be interested in such a hypothesis or in the 
fact that such a hypothesis is offered and is based upon existing 



Teresa C. Binstock, Researcher
Developmental & Behavioral Neuroanatomy
Denver CO USA
			Teresa.Binstock at uchsc.edu

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