Thyroid (TSH) level question

Charlyblu charlyblu at aol.com
Fri Jul 26 23:26:45 EST 1996

I am not a physician, but a biochemist, immunologist, and medical writer. 
More importantly, my former girlfriend has hypothyroidism.  We did a lot
of reading together, because she, although taking synthroid, was
constantly having problems that she thought were related to her disease. 
I think the key in her case is that she is also taking other concurrent
daily medications.I have come to believe that TSH levels found in routine
testing might be subject to interference from other circulating
medications.  Also, the bioavailability of T3 is also affected by blood
levels of concurrent meds.  For example, oral contraceptives and other
drugs are carried around by binding to plasma proteins.  Once bound up,
these proteins cannot bind other drugs.  So, you might be having weird lab
results due and/or actual fluctuations in T3 drug levels due to other
meds.  Could this be a problem in your case? good luck

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