Survey on fragrances and health

Betty Bridges bcb56 at ix.netcom.com
Sun Jul 28 09:42:52 EST 1996

I recently did a survey on the effects of synthetic fragrances on
health.  Follows is a portion of the results.  If anyone is interested
in the complete results, please e-mail me.

Thank you,
Betty Bridges, RN


Of the 57 respondents that indicated pre-existing health problems 
allergies and sinus problems were the most frequent with chemical 
sensitivities and MCS closely following. Asthma was the
next most common health problem.  Most respondents indicated more than 
one health problem. 28 of the 57 indicated asthma, allergies, or 
migraines or a combination.  29 of the 57 indicated
chemical sensitivities and/or chemical sensitivities in combination 
with other problems.

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