Sperm allergy

stein.bergan at labmed.uio.no stein.bergan at labmed.uio.no
Tue Jul 30 15:44:23 EST 1996

In <4sg3fk$bn0 at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>, mbkxb at s-crim1.dl.ac.uk (K.C. Baker) writes:
>Gregory R. Harriman (gregoryh at bcm.tmc.edu) wrote:
>: In article <31CDD19E.5C62 at foto.infi.net>, Pete <jpete at foto.infi.net> wrote:
>: > Does anyone have any information on allergies to sperm? My wife once saw 
>: > a show about it on "Donahue" of all places. Is she crazy or does this 
>: > actually exist? Please let me know where I can get more info.
>: > 
>: > Thanks!
>:      Although rare, it does exist.  A recent case report in in the June
>: 1996 issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
>A colleague of mine had a xerox of a letter to The Lancet pinned to his wall.
>It discussed a clinical history of a patient (who ISTR was also the author) who
>had developed an allergy to her husbands seminal plasma. The letter contained
>the wonderful line "Prick tests proved negative..." 
>Dr Ken Baker                                    

Though I do realize that this topic is begging for comments like the one above, 
it is certainly serious enough for a lot of couples. Though I am far from expert 
in this field, I would point you to a few references (search abortion and 
immunotherapy on Medline, and you'll see what I mean):

Carp HJ, Hass Y, Dolicky M, Goldenberg M, Mashiach S, Rabinovici J. 
The effect of serum follicular phase luteinizing hormone concentrations 
in habitual abortion: correlation with results of paternal leukocyte 
immunization. Hum Reprod 1995;10:1702-5. 

Daya S, Gunby J. The effectiveness of allogeneic leukocyte immunization 
in unexplained primary recurrent spontaneous abortion. Recurrent 
Miscarriage Immunotherapy Trialists Group [see comments]. 
Am J Reprod Immunol 1994;32:294-302. 

Stein Bergan  (M.Sci.Pharm. / Researcher)
Department of Clinical Chemistry and
Department of Clinical Pharmacology
- National Hospital - Rikshospitalet;
University of Oslo, Norway
Phone:+4722867047 -- Fax:+4722867029
email: stein.bergan at rh.uio.no

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