Good grad programs for immunology???

Maureen M. Hughes mhughe1 at orion.it.luc.edu
Tue Jul 30 13:30:26 EST 1996

Hello all...

I'm an undergraduate senior that will graduate in May '97 from Loyola 
University Chicago with 2 years of research experience in soybean genetics 
and one semester of research dealing with mimicking cancerous adducts 
on nucleotides, with a good grade point average and involvement with other 
extracurricular activities.  
I'm interested in applying to Ph.D. programs for Immunology, and I was 
wondering if anyone could tell me about some good programs that have 
specializations with autoimmunity, allergies, or virus research.  I want 
to get out of the Chicagoland area, so locale is not a problem.  Please 
mail mhughe1 at orion.it.luc.edu.

Maureen Hughes

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