THP-1's and mono-mac6. There are also murine lines, like J7, which are
even more differentiated.
On Wed, 31 Jul 1996, Volker Blaschke wrote:
> Hi fellow researchers,
>> having worked with U-937 cells, I would like to confirm my results in
> similar cell lines, i.e. cell lines of the monocytic line that can be
> induced to differentiate. Could anyone recommend any useful cell lines
> since I am not aware of any similar ones.
>> Thanks in advance,
> Volker
>> --
> Dr. Volker Blaschke
> Depts. of Biochemistry, Dermatology
> Georg-August-University, Goettingen, Germany
> Email: vblasch at> Tel: xx49 551 39 5959 / 5978