What is an antigen?

Mike Clark mrc7 at cam.ac.uk
Thu May 16 06:05:38 EST 1996

In article <4nafqv$fue at agate.berkeley.edu>, Ken Frauwirth
<mailto:frauwirt at bacillus.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:
> In article <3495778.ensmtp at eureka.qc.ca>,
> Yves Blais <Yves_Blais at EUREKA.QC.CA> wrote:
> >any answers welcome...
> The only answer that I know is a functional one - an antigen is any substance
> which can elicit an immune response.
No what you are describing is an immunogen! In the context of an antibody
an antigen is any substance to which the antibody can bind with detectable
affinity (via it's Fv!). I guess that it would also be possible to
extend this definition to peptides presented by MHC as recognised
by T-cell receptor.
Not all antigens are immunogenic but all immunogens are antigenic. Often
an immunogen will elicite an immune response which cross-reacts on many

Mike Clark, mrc7 at cam.ac.uk          http://www.path.cam.ac.uk/~mrc7/
  o/ \\    //            ||  ,_ o   Dr. M.R. Clark, Division of Immunology
 <\__,\\  //   __o       || /  /\,  Cambridge University, Dept. Pathology
  ">    ||   _`\<,_    //  \\ \> |  Tennis Court Rd., Cambridge CB2 1QP
   `    ||  (_)/ (_)  //    \\ \_   Tel. 01223 333705  Fax. 01223 333875

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