LKN wrote:
>> Matt,
>> Your "research" leaves a lot to be desired. Cannabis has been in common use
> in the western world since the 1960s, yet you limit your search to the last
> four years. If you had bothered to do the search for the period
> 1966-present, you would have obtained answers to your questions. Regarding
> your analysis:
>> > Here's my analysis of this (admittedly cursory and partial) reading of
> > the last four years of research into "cannabis" AND "addiction":
> > 1) There is hardly any research into "cannabis" AND "addiction".
>> There are 72 articles on "cannabis" & "addic$" in Medline 1966-present. In
> fact, if you had bothered to use "addic$" to get addictive as well as
> addiction in your search you would have found 24 instead of 14 articles.
>> > 2) By far, most studies don't even directly address whether cannabis
> > is addictive or not.
> Strange as it may seem to you, scientific papers do not regurgitate
> established facts. The fact that people do present themselves to health
> workers with cannabis addiction (see definition below) clearly show that
> cannabis is addictive. I don't know your exposure to cannabis users, but in
> my experience as a casual user in highschool some users do get addicted (in
> my group 2 of 8 casual users).
>> > 3) No obvious or unambiguous definition of addiction exists.
> Rubbish. snip
The definition of MONEY () dependence (addiction) contains
three critical elements. These are (a) preoccupation with the
of MONEY, (b) compulsive use of MONEY, (c) relapse to or
use of the MONEY. The manifestations of abnormal MONEY use may
assume many forms. Medical, psychiatric, neurological,
traumatic, and
sociological sequelae occur commonly in acute and chronic MONEY
MONEY dependence must be diagnosed primarily as the etiological
precipitating agent to adequately prevent and treat these
conditions. The
central role of MONEY addiction can be identified. The
the MONEY addiction should be separated from the MONEY addict's
actual motivation or craving to use MONEY. MONEY addicts use
abnormally because of what MONEY does to them and not for them.
MONEY reinforces its own use. Psychosocial stressors are not
to produce a MONEY addiction in biologically susceptible
Consequences that result from an addiction to MONEY do not
abnormal use. A presumptive diagnosis of MONEY dependence
can be established by detecting significant consequences
associated with
MONEY use. A definitive diagnosis entails confirming the
presence of
addictive behavior by identifying a preoccupation, compulsivity
relapse relative to the drug, MONEY. [References: 92]