
Asher Abramovitch cashta at taux01.nsc.com
Sun Sep 15 04:22:18 EST 1996


I was searching several web sites for information about seperation between
dead lymphocyte cells and lymphocyte aggregation (optionaly by using
Percol), but could not find any.
Is it possible that you point me to a place I can find any information
about it, or where can I look for it (I have allso tried some search engines
with not much of success).

Many thanks in advance,
Asher Abramovitch.
                            / _  _ \                                     
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    |      Asher Abramovitch.  	      cashta at taux01.nsc.com    |
    |               Personal Systems Division                  | 
    |             National Semiconductor - Israel              |
    |      Voice: +(972)-959-4291     Fax: +(972)-955-8322     | 
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                        (   )   Oooo.                                 
                         \ (    (   )                                 
                          \_)    ) /                                  

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