How to Cite Bionet.Immunology

Keld Sorensen KeldS at uic.edu
Tue Sep 17 10:02:24 EST 1996

I disagree with your suggested format - 
we need another date/time format like we need a hole in the head.

Dates are written in so many formats throughout the world that
we should not generate a new one just to make it look 
"similar" to other "citations" we use ....

I have a real problem with the validity of quoting what often
amounts to rumors or N=1 experiments.....

Other than that - how about the entirely anonymous postings?
How do we cite them???

I stand by my previous post ("Rumors on the bionet.immunology have it
that .......") or ("a person purporting to be Donald Forsdyke has on
bionet.immunology stated that .....")


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