good producer cell line for il4?

your_name_here your_name_here at dfci.harvard.edu
Mon Sep 16 20:18:13 EST 1996

For mouse IL-4 the LT-1 cell line is a good source. It is probably a 
transfected cell line. I use the cult. sup. from these cell line to 
maintain CT4.S, a IL-4 dependant cell line.
Mohan N
mohan_natesan at dfci.harvard.edu

Ibelgauf at lmb.uni-muenchen.de (Horst Ibelgaufts) wrote:
>dear netters, does anyone out there know of any good il4 producer other
>than th2 cells? (or tissues or tumour cells?)

                                                  H IBELGAUFTS
>                                     Ultra posse nemo obligatur

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