Research cooperation

Yasuhito Abe yasuhito at m.ehime-u.ac.jp
Sun Apr 6 11:08:11 EST 1997

Dear Sir,

We are now seeking research cooperators on the antibody therapy using 
anti-neutrophil MAb Urge-8.  If you were interested in this matter,
please take a look at my home page, Urge-8 home page. URL is:


Yours sincerely,

Yasuhito Abe, M.D.
The Second Dept of Surgery,
Ehime Univ School of Med,
Shigenobu, Ehime 7910202

e-mail: yasuhito at m.ehime-u.ac.jp
www: http://www.m.ehime-u.ac.jp/~yasuhito/Home.html

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