Help wanted for T-cells assay

linda dgk.oncologie at pobox.ruu.nl
Fri Apr 11 12:32:30 EST 1997

In article Grace Ho  writes:
>  Anyway, I have read somewhere that T- cells do not really
>proliferate, that is why the MTT is not being taken up and


MTT is converted by enzymes in active mitochondria to the water-insoluble 
product formazan.  The conversion in dependent on active mitochondria, thus on 
living cells, but NOT on proliferation of the cells.  MTT should thus also be 
converted by non-proliferating cells.  The tradiational thymidine 
incorporation assay is dependent on DNA construction, and for this reason only 
labels proliferating cells.

Sorry, but I don't have any ideas about why your cells are not converting MTT.

Good luck to you!


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