Homing-How does it actually occur between B-cells and helper T-cells?

john alessi alessij at GORT.CANISIUS.EDU
Thu Apr 10 21:00:19 EST 1997

In order for proliferation and differentiation of B-cells, as well as 
antibody production to occur, a specific B-cell must come into contact 
with a specific CD4+8- helper T-cell.  This most often occurs in the 
spleen.  By what mechanism do the two cells "home in on" one another?
How do these two cells who are specific for one another, find 
each other amongst all the cells in the spleen?...

One though I had was that they release a chemical signal, thus leaving a 
trail for one another, but that would mean an unbelievable amount of 
trails that were specific only for one other cell.  I performed 
literature searches for an answer, but came up with nothing.  If anyone 
has any thoughs, comments, or suggestions as to where I can fid an answer 
to this question, it would be appreciated.  Thanks, John Alessi, senior 
biology student at Canisius College, Buffalo

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