Help wanted for T-cells assay

Timothy L Wyant twyant at umabnet.ab.umd.edu
Fri Apr 11 08:39:56 EST 1997

Grace,  I do T cell proliferations all the time. I have also been cloning
human T cells in response to bacterial antigens. (Yes T cells
proliferate).  Before I tried anything, I'd check to make sure that the
assay itself is working by comparing it to the H3 thymidine incorporation
assay.  This assy is tried and true and works very well.  This is of
coarse dependent on isotope use availability for your lab, but, I think it
would be worth it to make sure that the MTT assay you are using is
working.  I personally have never used the MTT assay mainly because of the
ease and reliability of the thymidine incorporation assy.

Good luck

Dr. Tim Wyant, PhD

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