DHEA and AIDS: further support from 1997

James Howard jmhoward at sprynet.com
Mon Apr 14 10:22:54 EST 1997

StarStar <someone at somewhere.us> wrote:
I've never heard what your theory is.  Would you mind reposting it?

"As for people out there reading this who have AIDS, PLEASE consult a
physician before using something like DHEA.  I know with echinacea,
another immune system booster, it is NOT recommended that people who
have any sort of autoimmune disorder take echinacea.  If its your own
immune system that's making you ill, the boosting your immune system
can have very BAD effects."

James Howard responds:
You made a good point here, Star.  If one has an autoimmune disease,
DHEA may exacerbate it.  Anyone interested in my theory of DHEA and
AIDS may read it at http://www.naples.net/~nfn03605 on the web.

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