Position paper by Dr. Roberts on aspartame's effect on heart! Explaining heart palpitations: NutraSweet causes irregular heart rhythm!

Betty Martini betty at noel.pd.org
Sun Apr 13 12:02:37 EST 1997

Dear Andrew:  This is one way heart attacks can be predicted.  This is Dr.
Roberts, world expert on Nutrasweet) position paper on how aspartame
triggers an irregular rhythm.  Doctors not realizing its really a drug
medicate the patient which interacts with NutraSweet.  There have been
sudden deaths from myocardial infarctions (heart attacks).  Dr. Roberts
wrote this in memory of William Randolph who lost his life to this poison.

Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 16:51:37 -0500 (EST)
From: Betty Martini <betty at noel.pd.org>
To: Betty Martini <betty at noel.pd.org>
Newsgroups: sci.med.cardiology
Subject: Position paper by Dr. Roberts on aspartame's effect on heart!  Explaining heart palpitations:  NutraSweet causes irregular heart rhythm!  People are dying.  Doctors please note.

With the death of a NutraSweet victim, William Randolph, Dr. H. J.
Roberts, world expert on NutraSweet, Board Certified and Recertified
Internist (Endocrinologist), etc. wrote the following position paper on
aspartame and the heart.

Statement of H. J. Roberts, M.D. Concerning Cardiac and CHEST Complaints
Attributed to Aspartame (NUTRASWEET (R))

Many patients and correspondents have asked whether products containing
aspartame can cause or aggravate symptoms relating to the heart, blood
pressure and chest.  Based on my experience, as detailed in multiple
publications and books (see below), the answer is YES.

Hundreds of such instances have been documented in my database of over 950 
aspartame reactors.  There was dramatic improvement after avoiding
aspartame, and a prompt and predictable recurrence of these problems when
the patient resumed aspartame products ...  knowingly or inadvertently.  


More than 120 individuals experienced a detectable change in their
heart rate and rhythm after consuming aspartame -  including gum and
products that did not contain caffeine.  This included "fluttering",
(palpitations) and rapid heart action (tachycardia).  A number had even
undergone heart monitoring (Holter testing) and other studies, especially
for the associated weakness and faint.

One patient developed a slow pulse and complete heart block within hours
after consuming an aspartame drink for the first time.  His attack
spontaneously subsided within a day without a pacemaker; and there has
been no recurrence. 

This subject has obvious relevance to reports of unexplained sudden death
in persons who had been consuming considerable aspartame. 


Dozens of aspartame reactors without known hypertension were found to have
elevation of their blood pressure - systolic, diastolic or both,  Some
were in their twenties.  While aspartame products unequivocally cause
headaches, the superimposed hypertension probably was a contributing

Other patients who had been treated for hypertensin could not be
adequately controlled on their maintenance medication as long as they used
aspartame.  This reflects its interaction with various drugs.  Aspartame
originally devised as a drug to treat peptic ulcer.

The rapid heart action and the elevation of blood pressure presumably
reflect the effects of phenylalanine (an aspartame component)
and its metabolic products.  They include dopamine, norepinephrine and

   (second side)                   ATYPICAL CHEST PAIN

More than 50 aspartame reactors experienced unexplained pain in the chest. 
(Many others have atypical pain elsewhere in the body).  A number
underwent stress tests and coronary angioplasty for suspected coronary
heart disease; they proved normal in the majority. 

                     SHORTNESS OF BREATH

Over 70 aspartame reactors with "shortness of breath" promptly improved
after abstaining from these prducts, and predictably suffered a recurrence
on rechallenge.  Clinical sleep apnea also dramatically stopped in 
these  patients when they avoided aspartame.  

                     RELATED COMMENTS 

These issues are elaborated in my two books on the subject:  ASPARTAME
Press, P. O. Box 17799, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416, 1 800 814-9800.
They are also summarized in an updated discussion on two cassettes, IS
OVERVIEW, Sunshine Sentinel Press, P. O. Box 17799, West Palm Beach,
Florida 33416.

I have asserted in my publications, testimony to Congress and in letters
to Congressmen and the FDA, that the current wholesale ingestion of
aspartame products by over half the adult population constitutes an
"imminent public health hazard."  Yet this warning continues to be ignored
by the medical profession and the FDA.  This is particular concern for
high risk groups, most notably patients with diabetes and hypoglycemia,
pregnant women, children, patients with epilepsy, liver, heart, kidney
disease and eating disorders, older persons with memory impairment, the
relatives of aspartame reactors, and patients having phenylketonuria.  
(C) H. J. Roberts, M.D. 
To get more information on aspartame, email betty at pd.org as follows: 
Subject: sendme help The subject line must be typed exactly like the above
line.  Betty Martini 1.  Take the 60-day No-Aspartame test Mission
Possible and send us your case history.  PO Box 28098 2.  Tell your doctor
and your friends.  Atlanta GA 30358 3.  Return Aspar-Poisoned foods to the
store. USA (Nutrasweet(tm), Equal(tm), Spoonful(tm), etc) 

We are dedicated to the proposition that we will not be satisfied until death 
and disability are no longer considered an acceptable cost of business.

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