Ebola Information Page

Nanda Somarajan somarank at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 13 19:00:08 EST 1997

Hi.  My name is Nanda Somarajan.  I have just created a new web page devoted 
just to the Ebola Virus at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/nanda/
and I was wondering if somebody could take a look at it and tell me what you 
think and how to improve it.  The page has links to many many places. I have 
made the page into 3 seperate sections:

1.      Official Pages-links to pages from CNN, the CDC, the WHO,
        GENENTECH... and other sources that can be trusted.

2.      Unofficial Pages-links to pages maintained by ordinary people         
who are fascinated by the Ebola Virus.

3.      A Search Function-You can search 8 search engines on the web
        automatically for the subject of "Ebola".  All you have to do         is 
to click on the search engine you want to use!!

Please visit my page and please send me suggestions and comments on it.   Can 
you please e-mail me the answer.
Thank you.

Nanda Somarajan
somarank at slu.edu

(P.S.--It might take a while to load up)
Nanda Somarajan:   somarank at hotmail.com   somarank at slu.edu
House of Graphics:   http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7690/
Home Page:   http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/4116/
Ebola Info. HQ:   http://www.angelfire.com/ok/nanda
JImmy Buffet Paradise:   http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/8425/

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