Free practical programs for molecular biologists !!!

Rolf Kocherhans rolfk at vetvir.unizh.ch
Mon Apr 14 03:37:23 EST 1997

I wrote a few practical and simple to use programs which facilitate your
daily work in the lab such as predicting the size of DNA fragments after
digestion (graphical) with restriction enzymes.

I would like to make these programs accessible to a broad user group by
the Internet. All programs have been tested on MacOS and Windows95.

My programs are accessible over the WWW and made functional using
Netscape 2.x or Internet Explorer 2.x or higher in association with a
free plugin which you have to download and install first.

This is what you do:

- Download the Roadster plugin


install it on your computer.

- Then connect to:


That's it !!

These are my programs which make your live as a molecular biologist
easier !

Find here a few more examples or my programs:

a. Digest Preview:
Enter the size(s) of your DNA fragment(s) and see their migration
in a virtual gel in comparison to a 1 kb ladder.

b. Adapter Design:
Helps to create in frame adapters in order to link incompatible DNA ends

c. Dilution Calculator:
Does all the calculations when you have to make up solutions

There are many other programs such as Oligo Tm, Compatible ends etc.

Please have a look, comments are welcome!

Have fun
Rolf Kocherhans   mailto:rolfk at vetvir.unizh.ch

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