Michael J. Tuvim wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Does anyone know of a Mast Cells Granules specific Antibody?
> To some granule marker like protease.
> Should be monoclonal since I need to colocalize a protein to the granules
> and my AB is polyclonal. Preferably for Rat Peritoneal Mast Cells, but
> mouse will also do.
>> Please dubb your responce also to my address:
>mtuvin at bcm.tmc.edu>> I appreciate your help.
> Michael Tuvim
These folks sound like they have what you're after.
Jeffrey Smoot (jsmoot at cas.org)
614-447-3600 X3198
Chemical Abstract Services http://www.cas.org
STN Easy http://stneasy.cas.org
ChemCemter http://www.ChemCenter.org
-------------- next part --------------
TI Release of the mucosal mast cell granule chymase, rat mast cell
protease-II, during anaphylaxis is associated with the rapid
development of paracellular permeability to macromolecules in rat
AU Scudamore, C. L.; Thornton, E. M.; McMillan, L.; Newlands, G. F. J.;
Miller, H. R. P.
SO J. Exp. Med. (1995), 182(6), 1871-81