Roberta K. Merkle rmerkle at uga.cc.uga.edu
Wed Apr 16 11:03:43 EST 1997

Techniques for Characterization of Complex Carbohydrates

Four courses will be offered in 1997 at the Complex Carbohydrate Research
Center (CCRC) of the University of Georgia: 
1. Separation and Characterization of Glycoprotein Oligosaccharides (June
2. Structural Analysis of Oligosaccharides (June 16-20), 
3. Mass Spectrometry and MS/MS Analysis of Glycoconjugates  (June 23-27),  
4  NMR of Carbohydrates (July 14-18).  

Courses will consist of hands-on laboratory work, demonstrations and
lectures; lab manual including selected analytical techniques and
references will be provided.  For further information contact Dr. Roberta
K. Merkle, CCRC, 220 Riverbend Road, The University of Georgia, Athens,
Georgia 30602-4712.  Phone: 706-542-4402.  FAX: 706-542-4412.  E-mail:
rmerkle at uga.cc.uga.edu

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