Regulated Chemicals Lists and Chemical Catalog categories added to Web-based
SAN FRANCISCO, April 14, 1997 - Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) announced
today it has expanded STN Easy, a Web-based service that provides
user-friendly access to the acclaimed STN scientific and technical information
network, by adding two new research categories--Regulated Chemical Lists and
Chemical Catalogs. The announcement was made at the Spring 1997 American
Chemical Society National Meeting being held this week in San Francisco.
"STN Easy has experienced early success since it was released in December,"
said Suzan Brown, CAS Director of Marketing. "The Web-based interface makes
searching and retrieving high-quality scientific information easy and
cost-effective. By adding two new research categories that are supported by
highly regarded CAS databases, we're bringing even more chemical information
to the desktops of scientists and others interested in scientific and
technical subjects."
STN Easy customers can now select the "Regulated Chemical Lists" category in
STN Easy to access CHEMLIST, which contains more than 200,000 confidential and
non-confidential substance records. Updated weekly, CHEMLIST covers the
national chemical inventories from the United States (TSCA), Europe
(EINECS/ELINCS), Canada (DSL/NDSL), Korea (ECL), Japan (ENCS) and Australia
(AICS). In addition, CHEMIST includes Federal Advisory Lists, TSCA Sections
of Law, State Lists and International Lists. The cost to display a full
record from CHEMLIST is $20 plus the current $2 search fee.
By selecting the "Chemical Catalogs" category in STN Easy, users can access
CHEMCATS, which contains more than 350,000 commercially available chemicals.
For the first time, the combined offerings of more than 200 chemical suppliers
are available in one easy-to-use Web-based location. Since the file is
updated weekly, CHEMCATS information is frequently more current than printed
catalogs. The cost to display a full record from CHEMCATS is $3.75 plus the
current $2 search fee.
Both a demonstration and the product itself can be accessed at one of three
Web locations, depending on customer location. From Europe, contact From Japan, contact, and from North America, contact Other locations can choose the nearest access point.
STN Easy is a joint effort between CAS, FIZ Karlsruhe and the Japan Science
and Technology Corporation.
For more information about STN Easy, those interested can call CAS Customer
Service at 1-800-753-4227 or 614-447-3700, send electronic mail to
help at or visit the Web site at one of the URLs mentioned above.