STILL INTERESTED 4/16/97 ! Medline search not very helpful so far.
Sampedro says back into neuroscience, no further immunology.
Do not have Dinarello (THE IL-1 maven!) e-mail address--do you? if not
comfortable with telling me, forward this to him?
F. LeFever
My initial query:
>>Besides Nieto-Sampedro & Berman (1987), Dinarello (1984), can you
>me to other work on different IL-1-like molecules of mol wts 5K, 17K,
>>ANYTHING would help, but would especially like to know about
>differential production, differential effects, individual, sex, or
>species differencdes in relative amounts produced, genetic activation,
>>F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D. FAX usa (914) 947-3350
>Helen Hayes Hospital flefever at>West Haverstraw, NY 10993, USA