Help wanted for T-cells assay

archee at buffnet.net archee at buffnet.net
Thu Apr 17 19:59:31 EST 1997

Timothy L Wyant <twyant at umabnet.ab.umd.edu> wrote:

This assy is tried and true and works very well.  This is of
>coarse dependent on isotope use availability for your lab, but, I think it
>would be worth it to make sure that the MTT assay you are using is
>working.  I personally have never used the MTT assay mainly because of the
>ease and reliability of the thymidine incorporation assy.

>Good luck
I am a new technician in an immunology lab.  We do T-cell
proliferations using thymidine.  Could someone please tell me what the
MTT assay is?  I am curious.  Thanks.
>Dr. Tim Wyant, PhD

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