In article <Pine.SUN.3.95q.970420152635.4635B-100000 at>,
Paula Murphy <paulam at> wrote:
> I am a third year BSc.(Honours) Cell Biology student. I am very
> interested in immunology and am contemplating a future in the field. I
> am looking for good books on the subject or on any other subjects anyone
> feels are relvant to immunology.
Hi Paula,
I've had the opportunity to check out a number of different immunology
textbooks over my years as a student. I particularly liked the one
assigned for a recent series of graduate level courses at the University
of Minnesota:
Immunobiology: the immune system in health and disease
Charles A. Janeway, Jr. and Paul Travers, eds.
Second Edition, 1996
In my opinion, this book offers thorough yet concise coverage of the major
themes in immunology. Unlike many texts, it is written in a relaxed,
almost conversational, style that makes for easy reading without straying
dangerously far into oversimplification. Diagrams complement text
material nicely, and there is also a useful chapter which reviews many of
the experimental methods commonly used in immunological research. It is
soft-bound and therefore quite reasonably priced (approximately $35 new,
if memory serves). Overall, I think it would be well-suited to a student
at your level.
Dr. Christie Malazdrewich
Clinical and Population Sciences
University of Minnesota
1365 Gortner Ave.
St. Paul, MN
malaz002 at