Need book titles (advice from the learned)

Omar O. Barriga barriga.2 at osu.edu
Sun Apr 20 22:39:25 EST 1997

In article <srin005-2004972059330001 at x245-50.cvm.umn.edu> srin005 at gold.tc.umn.edu (Jack in the Box) writes:
>Path: magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!gatech!arclight.uoregon.edu!news.uoregon.edu!newsfeed.orst.edu!newshub.tc.umn.edu!newsstand.tc.umn.edu!x245-50.cvm.umn.edu!user
>From: srin005 at gold.tc.umn.edu (Jack in the Box)
>Newsgroups: bionet.immunology
>Subject: Re: Need book titles (advice from the learned)
>Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 20:59:33 +0400
>Organization: UoMN
>Lines: 43
>Message-ID: <srin005-2004972059330001 at x245-50.cvm.umn.edu>
>References: <Pine.SUN.3.95q.970420152635.4635B-100000 at ganymede.cs.mun.ca>
>NNTP-Posting-Host: x245-50.cvm.umn.edu
>Xref: magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu bionet.immunology:11395

>In article <Pine.SUN.3.95q.970420152635.4635B-100000 at ganymede.cs.mun.ca>,
>Paula Murphy <paulam at cs.mun.ca> wrote:

>>  I am a third year BSc.(Honours) Cell Biology student. I am very 
>> interested in immunology and am contemplating a future in the field. I
>> am looking for good books on the subject or on any other subjects anyone
>> feels are relvant to immunology.

(text deleted)
>Immunobiology: the immune system in health and disease
>Charles A. Janeway, Jr. and Paul Travers, eds.
>Second Edition, 1996
(text deleted)


>Dr. Christie Malazdrewich
>Clinical and Population Sciences
>University of Minnesota

I concur with the recommendation about Janeway and Travers but I also think 
that Immunology by Roitt et al. (Mosby editors) is very good at the basic 
level (it must be in the 5th edition by now). Once you get well verse at 
this level, you may want to review Advanced Immunology by Male et al. 
(Mosby, 1996) which keeps the same conversational tone but it is a lot more 
advanced. Once you feel confortable with these, you may read anything you
want with full understanding.	
	Good luck and enjoy your studies
					Omar O. Barriga

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