Seminar: Optimizing Light Microscopy

Barbara Foster mme at mail.map.com
Sun Apr 20 23:33:29 EST 1997

Six locations: 
Monday, April 28 - Marriott Marquis, NYC
Tuesday, April 29 - Plainview Plaza-Hotel, Plainview, NY
Thursday, May 1 - Tufts Medical School/Multi-Media Resource Center, 
Boston, MA
Friday, May 2 - Tufts Medical School/Multi-Media Resource Center, Boston, 
Tuesday, May 6 - Holidome, Holyoke, MA (Greater Springfield area) *
Wednesday,  May 7 - Sheraton Hartford, Hartford, CT *
* catered lunch available for an additional $15.50

1. A quick tour around the microscope
2. Alignment tips for reducing headaches, fatigue, and errors
3. Care, cleaning, and troubleshooting
4. Useful principles for understanding images
5. Quick, easy, and often free techniques for improving contrast  
(includes discussions of Phase and Hoffman Modulation Contrast)
6. Advanced techniques (Fluorescence and DIC)
7. Becoming a better consumer: matching your microscope to your 
8. The Video connection:  cameras, computers, and your microscope 

Fees: $115 if received before 4/18/97; $125 if received after that date. 
 $50 discount on tuition for third person registered from the same 

Free with your tuition: 
“Optimizing Light Microscopy for Biological and Clinical Laboratories”
Over 220 pages of helpful tips, quick experiments, and new ideas for 
getting the best from your microscope (ASCLS/Kendall-Hunt, 1997)

For further details, contact :
Dr. Kenneth Piel or Barbara Foster 
Microscopy/Microscopy Education (MME)
53 Eton Street
Springfield, MA 01108
Phone:  (413)746-6931  Fax: (413)746-9311  email: mme at map.com

To register: Fax or mail the form below to the MME office
Name: _________________________________________________________________
School/Hospital/Company:_________________________________________________Address: ________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________Fax: _______________email: ___________________
Check enclosed (payable to MME) for: _________________ 
	[ ] tuition only                [ ] tuition plus lunch
[ ] VISA   [ ] Master Card
Name on credit card: __________________________________________________
Card #: ____________________________________  Expiration date: __________

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