In article <brunncj.206.00537151 at> brunncj at (Cindy Brunner ) writes:
>From: brunncj at (Cindy Brunner )
>Newsgroups: bionet.immunology
>Subject: Re: Need book titles (advice from the learned)
>Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 10:59:49 LOCAL
>Organization: Auburn University Usenet Server
>Lines: 22
>Message-ID: <brunncj.206.00537151 at>
>References: <Pine.SUN.3.95q.970420152635.4635B-100000 at> <srin005-2004972059330001 at>
>X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
>Xref: bionet.immunology:11407
>In article <srin005-2004972059330001 at> srin005 at (Jack in the Box) writes:
>>In article <Pine.SUN.3.95q.970420152635.4635B-100000 at>,
>>Paula Murphy <paulam at> wrote:
>>> I am very interested in immunology and am contemplating a future in the
>>> field. I am looking for good books on the subject...
>>I particularly liked the one assigned for a recent series of graduate level
>>courses at the University of Minnesota:
>>Immunobiology: the immune system in health and disease
>>Charles A. Janeway, Jr. and Paul Travers, eds.
>>Second Edition, 1996
>I assigned Janeway & Travers for the veterinary immunology course I taught
>last Fall Quarter. I had found it fascinating, for the same reasons offered
>by others posting to this NG--very readable, in a conversational style; and
>good illustrations (sometimes the captions were worth more than the text).
>Unfortunately, my first-year vet students HATED IT. Granted, it is not
>organized in the "antigen-->antibodies-->macrophage-->T cell-->B
>cell-->complement" sequence one usually finds in an introductory textbook. It
>is organized according to major concepts, so some of the arguments seem
>circular. You might enjoy reading it on your own, however--I sure did.
>C. Brunner
I have been teaching in vet schools in the USA for some 25 years and have
observed that, for the last decade, most vet students do not appreciate
anything that does not seem directly related to their professional activities.
I am sure that they can come up with dozens of explanations but it seems to me
that they have lost the simple pleasure of learning. Their opinon, therefore,
should not be enough to condenm a book. I find that Janeway and Travers (2nd
ed), as well as IMMUNOLOGY by Riott et al (4th ed.) are excellent and very
enjoyable basic books. At a more advance level, ADVANCED IMMUNOLOGY by Male
et al (3rd ed.) is also very good. The 5th edition of Tizzard, on the other
hand, is an excellent Veterinary Immunology.