HELP needed with immunogold labeling

alex liversage a.d.liversage at bristol.ac.uk
Wed Apr 23 11:20:55 EST 1997


I have been trying to label Fab' with nanoprobes monomaleimido nanogold 
which should, in theory, label one Fab' with one gold particle. This 
labeling ratio is essential as the labeled Fab' is to be used in a 
stoichiometric study of the muscle protein titin by EM. Although I have
no problem with producing the Fab' it is the final labeling of the Fab'
which is the problem. If any one has any experience in this matter 
their input would be welcome.

Also if anyone knows of another method of labeling gold to Fab in a one
to one ratio, perhaps by the use of collidal gold, then that to would 
also be welcome.



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