HHMI's Virtual Lab: Test diagnostic skills in a Shockwave lab!

Patdaino patdaino at aol.com
Wed Apr 23 18:22:56 EST 1997

HHMI's Virtual Lab: Test diagnostic skills in a Shockwave lab!

I am writing to alert you about a Web site where tomorrow's scientists can
learn how our bodies fight infections, how vaccines work to prevent
disease, and how some pathogens have evolved mechanisms of eluding our
bodies' defense mechanisms.

Prepared by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the site is 
filled with cool "science stuff" for teenagers and teachers, including the
most recent addition -- the HHMI Virtual Lab. This interactive laboratory,
developed with Shockwave, will demonstrate how an enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is carried out and some of the key
experimental problems that may be encountered. By completing this
exercise, students will gain a better understanding of experimental
design, key concepts in immunological reactions, and interpretation of
data -- and have fun doing it!
YOU can become the scientist at HHMI's Virtual Lab by visiting 
http://www.hhmi.org/lectures/hiband/neat/start.htm at the HHMI 
Holiday Lectures on Science Web site. A free Shockwave plugin is 
required, and can be obtained through a download at

Surfers can also visit the rest of the Institute's Web site-- 
http://www.hhmi.org.  Among its most popular new features is a 
full-length "Web book" on the remarkable transformation under way 
in undergraduate science education across the United States. 
"Beyond Bio 101"-- http://www.hhmi.org/BeyondBio101 --is filled 
with original reporting, lively graphics, and useful resources for biology
educators at all levels.  

All of the material is offered free as a public service by the 
Institute, which has awarded nearly $600 million in grants since 
1988 to enhance science education at all levels -- the largest 
private initiative of its kind in U.S. history.

For more information on the HHMI Virtual Lab and Web site, 
educators should call (800) 219-7874, 
send an e-mail to granthl at hq.hhmi.org, or 
visit http://www.hhmi.org/lectures/hiband/neat/start.htm

Reporters only should contact HHMI's David Jarmul at 
jarmuld at hq.hhmi.org (301) 215-8857

We have also created colorful icons and text snippets for Web links, 
complete with instructions at http://drwebby.com/hhmi/how2link.html 
For help with the links, contact Steffanie Lynch at 
link2hhmi at drwebby.com
(804) 739-0165

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