Post-docs. Antibody phage-display

je at charon.dfh.dk je at charon.dfh.dk
Thu Apr 24 08:01:30 EST 1997

I am seeking individuals at the post-doctoral level with a strong
background in molecular genetics and some experience with protein
expression and purification. Both positions are available from
September/October of 1997 and will run for three years. The work on
both positions makes use of phage display technlogy and a close
collaboration between the two post-doctoral fellows is expected.
Job descriptions:
1) "Generation of recombinant antibody-toxins directed against tumor
associated peptide/HLA complexes with T cell receptor-like
Expression of specific peptides in complex with MHC molecules has been
shown to be associated with cancer. For example, human melanomas
express tumor-specific peptides that are presented to the immune
system in complex with class I HLA-A2 molecules. Specific targeting of
drugs to these cells by using these specific peptide/HLA complexes
will be a useful and promising approach. In a model system, we have
recently generated a recombinant antibody-toxin fusion protein
targeted to a peptide/MHC with T cell receptor-like specificity and
demonstrated that killing of antigen-presenting cells occured in a
peptide specific maner(*). The results suggest that such an approach
is feasible to apply to novel immunotherapeutic strategies against
human cancer.
* Andersen, P. S. et al (1996) PNAS 93(3), 1820-1825. * Stryhn, A. et
al (1996) PNAS 93, 10338-10342. * Reiter, Y. et al (1997) PNAS April
2) "Novel approaches in the study of differential gene expression by
developing the phage display technology"
I have been funded together with prof. Brian F. C. Clark , University
of Aarhus, to develop the technology of displaying antibody fragments
on filamentous phage in a way that allows us to obtain antibodies
directed against gene products that are expressed differentially in
human epidermal keratinocytes upon differentiation in vitro in cell
cultures. Such gene expression will reflect the cellular process of
differentiation. Thus with a panel of antibodies against the
corresponding proteins it will be posible to gain information on the
differentiation of the keratinocytes.
We have recently developed a method with potential for such
analysis(*) but a larger antibody library is necessary, since the
method requires one single source library from which antibodies with
high affinities can be selected against a broad variety of antigens.
Therefore, one primery goal is to generate a large human naive library
of antibody fragments displayed on filamentous phage.
* Stausb›l-Gr›n, B. et al (1996) FEBS letters 391, 71-75.
Further information may be obtained from professor Jan Engberg. Please
address - BEFORE THE 1st OF JUNE - applications, which should contain
a full CV, a short summary of research experience and the full postal
and e-mail addresses and fax and phone numbers of three references to:
Professor Jan Engberg, The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy,
Department of Biological Sciences, Universitetsparken 2, DK-2100
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Phone: +45 35 37 08 50 ext 384. Direct: +45 35 37 66 67 await tone,
then press 384
Fax: +45 35 37 57 92. e-mail: JE at CHARON.DFH.DK

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