Free Antibody Locating Service

Miguel van Bemmelen Miguel.VanBemmelen at ibcm.unil.ch
Thu Apr 24 07:43:14 EST 1997

In article <01bc4676$93c24940$8c7664cf at rg-d6.nuteknet.com>, "Jan Green"
<serotec at serotec-inc.com> wrote:

>  We have noticed that many researchers who are looking for a particular
> antibody are posting messages to this and other news groups asking for
> assistance. Serotec offers a free antibody locating service. For more
> information check out their websites at www.serotec-inc.com (North America)
> or www.serotec.co.uk (Europe)

just as a suggestion, next time communicate your URLsin the format
http://www.xxx.yy/. This will allow most people to jump directly to your
page without having to copy and paste the addresses. For the rest, thanks
for the hint.



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