In article <Pine.A41.3.95b.970423222238.22428A-100000 at>,
David Koelle <viralimm at> wrote:
>Any words of wisdom or literature references? I am familiar with the
>trail that led to MAGE antigens. Anything new with making libraries in
>mammalian expression vectors, vaccinia, retroviruses, etc. to perhaps sort
>out CD8 antigens in a moderately large virus? Maybe some people have
>tried and failed or succeeded witht he published approaches. I am more
>interested in a direct approach than peptide pool sequencing or predicting
>from motifs when the HLA restricting allele is known.
The Shastri Lab has been interested in the expression cloning of T cell
antigens for a number of years. Members of the lab have successfully
identified both the genes and specific peptides for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells
using bacterial and mammalian libraries. I refer you to several papers
regarding the identification of Class I restricted antigens:
Malarkannan, S, Afkarian, M, and Shastri, N. A rare cryptic translation
product is presented by K(b) MHC class I molecule to alloreactive T-cells.
J Exp Med 182:1739-1750
Malarkannan, S, Serwold, T, Nguyen, V, Sherman, L, and Shastri, N. The MMTV
env gene is the source of a CD8+ T-cell stimulating peptide/MHC class I
complex in a murine thymoma. PNAS 93:13991-13996
Malarkannan, S, Gonzalez, F, Nguyen, V, Adair, G, and Shastri, N. Allo-
reactive T-cells can recognize unusual, rare, and unique processed peptide/
MHC complexes. J Immunology 157:4464-4473
Shastri, N. Needles in Haystacks: Isolating peptide antigens for specific
T-cells. Curr Op in Immunology 8:271-277
Ken Frauwirth
Ken Frauwirth (MiSTie #33025) _ _
frauwirt at |_) * |/ (_ |\ | |_) | () |\ (_ | \|
DNRC Title: Chairman of Joint Commission on In-duh-vidual Affairs