To whom it may concern
My name is Shatkina Ljuba. In 1995 I graduated from the Moscow State
University (Biophysical Department, Physical School). I performed my
diploma project in the Ivanovsky Institute of Virology at the
laboratory of Molecular Mechanisms of Viral Pathogenesis (Moscow). Being
a part of the project "The Molecular Mechanisms of Influenza Virus
Pathogenesis", carried out in the Lab, my study was concerned with
the pH dependence of the activity of influenza virus polymerase. For
this purpose I mastered the following methods: cell culture,
isolation and purification of influenza virus RNP,
quantitative polymerase reaction, thin layer chromatography. As a
result, curves were obtained which characterized the dependence of
influenza virus polymerase activity on pH in vitro and determined the pK
values of reactive centres of the polymerase complex proteins.
Since my graduation, I have worked as a research assistant at the
Institute of Theoretical & Experimental Biophysics of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, at the laboratory of Molecular radiobiology
(Pushchino). During the last years, one of the themes of the Lab is
alterations in gene expression in tissues of animals exposed to
gamma-radiation. The aim of my work is to investigate the role of p53
in the regulation of cell processes at a wide dose range (from low
dose to lethal and sublethal) in anin vivo system. To analyse the
expression of p53 gene, I mastered experiments on animals (mice,
rats), isolation of organs, nucleic acids isolation and purification,
cell transfection, isolation and labelling of DNA fragment and
hybridization, electrophoresis of mRNA and DNA, mRNA blotting, PCR.
During the last year, results were obtained showing alteration of
expression of p53 in lymphoid tissues of mice at lethal doses. At
present I am studying the modification of p53 protein synthesis by
Western blotting under the conditions which cause alterations in
expression of p53 gene. In the near future the results of the study
will be prepared for publication.
I should like to rise the level of my education in the field of
molecular biology. That is why I should like to ask you to consider this
letter as an application to a Ph.D. studentship position.
Please find my CV and Graduate record enclosed.
Thank you in advance, I am looking forward for your reply .
Sincerely yours,
Ljuba Shatkina
Name: Ljuba Shatkina
Address: Institute of Theoretical & Experimental Biophysics, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow region, 142 292
FAX: 7-096-779-0553
Phone: 7-096-773-1886
e-mail: shatkina at
Personal: Born in July 4, 1972, Saratov, Russia (former USSR)
Education: 1989-1995 - Student of Physical Department of Lomonosov
Moscow State University (MS in Biophysics, 1995)
Professional employment:
1994-II.1995 - Research Technichian, Ivanovsky Institute of Virology, 16
Gamaleya, Moscow, Russia.
III.1995-Present - Ph.D. Student, Institute of Theoretical &
Experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow
region, Russia.
Research Experience:
1994-1995 Project title: The molecular Mechanisms of Influenza Virus
Pathogenesis (Supervisor Dr. Oleg Zhirnov)
III.1995-Present - Project title: Gene Expression in Tissues of
Irradiated Mice (Supervisors: Dr. A.I.Gaziev, Dr. Tatiana Ushakova).
1. Prof. Gaziev A.I., DSc., head of the Lab of Molecular Radiobiology,
Institute of Theoretical & Experimental Biophysics, RAS, Pushchino,
Moscow region
Tel: 7-096-773-1886
FAX: 7-095-924-0393
E-mail: gaziev at
2. Dr. Shnoll S.E., prof. of Biophysical Department, Lomonosov
University at Moscow, School pf Physics, Head of lab. of Physical
Biochemistry, I.T.E.B. RAS, Pushchino, Moscow region, Member of Russian
Academy of Natural Science
Tel: 7-095-923-9668 additional 261
E-mail: shnoll at
3. Prof. Vsevolod A. Tverdislov, DSc., Head of the Department of
Biophysics, School of Physics, Lomonosov University at Moscow; Phone:
FAX: 7-095-939-1195
E-mail: tverd at bio.phys.msu.sutverd at
Graduate record.
Social and political history 5
Ethics and aesthetics Passed
German Passed
Philosophy 5
World history and culture 4
Humanitarian disciplines Passed
Economic theory 5
Phisical culture Passed
Analitical geometry and algebra 5
Introduction into experimental
technique... Passed
Differential and integral equations 4
History of physics Passed
Quant theory 5
Lab of specialization Passed
Mathimatical analysis 4
Atomic physics 5
Mechanics 4
Molecular physics 5
Optics 5
Electricity 5
Nuclear physics 5
General physical practicum Passed
Ecm practicum Passed
Radiophysics 4
Practicum on radioelectronics Passed
Automation of experiment Passed
Special physical practicum Passed
Mathimatical statistics 4
Theory of complex variable value function 4
Thermodynemics 5
Methods of mathimatical physics 4
Numeral methods in physics 5
Electrodynamics 3
Physics of condensed state 5
Theoretical mechanics 5
Specialization disciplines
Industrial practice 5
Special courses
Optical and magnetic properties of molecule 5
Biochemistry 5
General biology 5
Physical chemistry 5
Physiology 5
Quant chemistry 5
Physics of biopolimers 5
Diploma project on theme:
The study of activity of Influenza Virus A/Aiche polimerase dependent on
pH in vitro 5