Help-paper citations

laborato at INFOSEL.NET.MX laborato at INFOSEL.NET.MX
Tue Apr 29 10:38:45 EST 1997


Does any one know where I can find papers citations from 1950 
to 1970?

Thanks a lot.

Eduardo Pérez Campos
laborato at infosel.net.mx
laborato at oaxaca.infosel.com.mx

Eduardo Pérez Campos
Zaragoza # 213, Oaxaca, Oax.
Mexico 68000
Phone & fax (951)611 40
E-mail: laborato at infosel.net.mx
        laborato at oaxaca.infosel.com.mx
        laborato at antequera.antequera.com
29/04/97 : 10:36:15 AM

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