Robert Bamford bamford at GLOBAL.NET.AU
Wed Apr 30 11:26:39 EST 1997


My 7 year old daughter was bitten by a wild monkey in Bali, Indonesia
while on holiday, and is currently being vaccinated for suspeceted
rabies and is undergoing the following vaccine treatment:- Dose unknown
to me.

       Imogam Rabies. Rabies Immune Globulin (Human) Merieux

 and   Merieux Inactivated Rabies Vaccine.

I, as a parent,living in Austalia where the disease is considered to be
non-existent have found the information available  i.e. on short/long
term effects of these vaccinations on my child, to be limited.

I would be very appreciative if any information could be provided that
would assist me with my situation of having to deal with the lack of
information regarding this virus.

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