Antibody Purification

Chris Weir cweir at RNA.BIO.MQ.EDU.AU
Wed Aug 27 00:40:14 EST 1997

Hi all,
  We have an IgM antibody which is difficult to purify from ascites! 
The problem is that it falls out of solution very easily. Have tried 
peg purification which usually is an effective method (for IgM's) but 
the final pellet wouldn't go back into solution ( in carbonate 
buffer). So I had to use a tris buffer to get it into solution.
I then passed it through a column (equilibrated with Carb-buffer) but 
lost a lot of antibody in this step! and then conjugated what 
antibody was in solution. The trouble is that this conjugate is 
now precipitating out! Any suggestions

Chris Weir
Macquarie University
Sydney Australia

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