help with cell staining

Gabriel Kremmidiotis gkremmid at mad.adelaide.edu.au
Thu Aug 28 00:16:22 EST 1997

Hi all,
I have been trying to stain fixed/permeabilized cells grown on coverslips
with IgM mouse monoclonal antibodies.  I use biotinylated horse anti-mouse
followed by streptavidin-CY3.  I have tried a number of dilutions of all
the reagents involved but I get background - red specks all over the cells.
I have tried different permeabilization and fixation methods.  Nothing
seems to help.
I do not know what to do next.  I would appreciate any suggestions.


Dr Gabriel Kremmidiotis              E-mail:gkremmid at mad.adelaide.edu.au
Centre for Medical Genetics
Women's and Children's Hospital      Telephone
72 King William Road                     (National):     (08)8204 6270
North Adelaide                           (International):(61-8)8204 7342
SA 5006
Australia                            Fax:  8204 7342

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